Climate Fellows FAQ

rotunda spring

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What distinguishes the Climate Fellows Program at the University of Virginia from others? 

A: The Climate Fellows Program at the University of Virginia is unique in several ways:

              1) Research should have an impact-oriented focus. 

              2) The Institute seeks to diversify voices in climate science, and champions the values of diversity, equity and inclusion.

              3) The Institute supports work as a cohort and recognizes postdocs as an essential piece of the social fabric at the University.

              4) Mentorship and professional training are priorities to support future career prospects.

              5) As the hub of environmental resilience and sustainability research at the University, the Institute has a special interest in interdisciplinary research. 

Q: How much funding do fellows get?  

A: Fellows receive $65,000 a year. 

Q: Is the salary negotiable? 

A: EI does not have funds to pay a higher salary but has set the amount to be competitive with other leading postdoctoral programs.  

Q: What other benefits are there? 

A: Fellows will have the option to access up to $10,000 in research support over the two-year appointment - this may be used for any research needs such as attending workshops and conferences or buying necessary equipment. These funds may also be used for relocation costs. They are meant to be flexible research funds.

Post-Doctoral Research Associates receive all the normal benefits of staff at the University of Virginia such as healthcare and retirement. More information can be found on the benefits section of the University Human Resources web page.  

Q: What is the difference between Climate Fellows and Global to Community Fellows?

A: The Global to Community (G2C) Fellows are a subset of researchers within science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields with a particular focus on bridging global-scale climate dynamics with regional/local processes.

There is a key distinction in mentorship between the two programs. G2C projects are proposed by UVA faculty. General Climate Fellows, however, may come from any discipline and are encouraged to identify and contact faculty members who may be good fits for their research interests. 

Q: I am not an American citizen; do you support visa sponsorships for these positions?

A: Climate Fellows can come from anywhere in the world as there is no citizenship requirement. The University will help sponsor candidate visas during the fellowship period.

Q: What projects are the fellows and the Environmental Institute working on currently? 

A: Specific projects change on a yearly basis.  Please email the Program Manager, Henry Boachi, for current information.

Applicants for the general Climate Fellows program have the opportunity to propose their own research and receive a UVA Faculty Mentor as appropriate.

Example themes and projects for G2C fellows include:  

  • Climate Action 

    • Carbon Management  

    • Energy Transitions 

    • IoT for Climate 

    • Enhanced Catalytic Methanation 

  • Climate Impacts

    • Climate resilient and equitable urban water 

  • Climate Dynamics 

    • Regional Hydroclimatic Changes 

Read about the current Climate and G2C Fellows here.

Q: What G2C faculty mentors are currently available?

A: There is a wide-range of expertise across disciplines, which can be explored on the Faculty Mentor page. 

Q: Who will my supervisor be? 

A: Fellows' primary supervisor will be the lead for one of UVA’s ongoing projects in climate action, impacts or dynamics. In addition, fellows have a secondary advisor from another discipline.  

Q: How many fellows will there be? 

A: Within G2C there is opportunity for nine fellows between 2022-2027, brought in as three different cohorts. There will also be collaboration with other postdoctoral fellows from other initiatives, such as the Climate Collaborative—the aim is to have a diverse community of scholars.  

Q: How long is the program? 

A: Fellows are appointed for two years. 

Q: Why should I come to the University of Virginia? 

A: UVA is ranked as the third best public university in the United States and aspires to become a world leader in climate change analysis and solutions research. The University has a particular strength in translating research into action and is eager for scholars whose research can influence policy and address real needs. 

Q: What are the criteria for postdoctoral fellows? 

A: The three main criteria for postdocs are
    1) the strength of research
    2) an ability to collaborate across disciplines and
    3) a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

Q: As a Climate Fellow, am I eligible to be a Principal Investigator for external grants?  

A: Postdocs and research staff are generally not allowed to be PIs and write proposals unless they get an exemption. If the proposal supports the mission of the Environmental Institute, faculty can elect to work with fellows to pursue this option.  

Q: Are there any opportunities to transfer to a more permanent position at UVA, such as a tenure-track position or research requirements? 

A: The postdoctoral position does not automatically lead to a faculty position (in other words, there is no promise that the fellowship is a pathway to a faculty position). However, fellows should see their experience with the Institute's fellows positions strengthen their competitiveness for more permanent positions, whether at UVA or elsewhere. The Climate Fellows program at UVA's Environmental Institute offers career and professional development and training opportunities to hone skills in various areas that could be applicable for a faculty position.